Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

    LC-9125   汉字 5            






    Learning Outcomes
    Students learn approximately 150 characters more and study vocabulary in which they are used in Chinese 5 course.

    Assessment Methods and Criteria
    Self-study,  4 assignments prepared by the teacher and a final (group) examination.

    Study Material
    Contemporary Chinese 3 and materials issued by the teacher

    CEFR level
    Starting level: A2, Target level: A2 - B1
    Students are recommended to take this course simultaneously with Chinese 5.

    ONE F2F meeting:
    01.02.19  fri 12.30-14.00  R001/U259  (NOT compulsory)



    Written test dates:

    No need to register for the test! 
    I will remind you about the tests again in March!  

    1)     5.4.2019     Friday 
    (9:00 -12.00)        R001/U261

    2)     4.4.2019    Thursday  (15.30-18.15)  R001/U119    



    Return and upload the assignments in MyCourses or directly give them to the teacher the latest on the test date (05. 04.2019).


    One important link:


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