
  • The exam (and course) will cover the following sections of the course book Modarres, M. Risk Analysis in Engineering: Techniques, Tools, and Trends, CRC Press, 2006:

    ·Chapters 1-3;

    ·Chapter 4, sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.4;

    ·Chapter 6, sections 6.1-6.4;

    ·Chapter 7 sections 7.1-7.4 (excluding 7.4.1-7.4.6);

    ·Chapter 8 sections 8.1-8.2; and

    ·Chapter 9.

    Please request exam questions in English from the lecturer at least two weeks before the exam. The exam constitutes 75 % of the final grade.

    The lectures are in Finnish, however the exercise sessions are held in English. The course staff is available for questions in person or by email. Please direct questions about the lectures or exams to the lecturer and questions about exercises and assignments to the assistant.

    The exercises are mostly adapted from the course book and the corresponding exercise in the course book is indicated in the exercise papers. The exercises and their solutions are provided in English and they are not graded.

    The course has two voluntary assignments (to appear on the course web page), which constitute 25% of the final grade. Assignments are provided in English: it is preferable to submit the assignment solutions in English, but Finnish is accepted as well.