Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    This course has two major purposes. One is to provide an overview of the fundamental themes in strategy and venture research and introduce contemporary research directions. The other purpose is to expose the participants to the various methodological and research practice approaches (conducting research, synthesizing, and setting up manuscripts) in the domain of strategy and venturing.

    Course format

    The course will consist of independent reading of selected articles and ten (10) seminar sessions (3 hours each). Each session includes student presentations on articles, the preparation of a memo or synthesis table for each session readings.

    In the course we share responsibility for discussing the readings and raising issues. You are expected to do all of the required readings and to be prepared to discuss the readings (singly and collectively) in class. We require every student to be prepared to speak about the week's assigned readings, and will assign one student with primary responsibility for presenting one article. We will conclude sessions by synthesizing the connections among the readings.

     After the course, the participant should (1) know the most important articles and in the area of strategy and venturing, (2) understand how the different streams of strategy and venturing research have evolved over time and how they are connected to each other, and (3) be able to project the future development of the strategic management and venturing research from the perspective of one’s own doctoral work.

    The course will further provide a setting for developing a variety of skills in strategy and venturing  research such as synthesizing research, research designs, and what constitutes a theoretical contribution in the various domains of strategy and venturing.

    Overall, after the course the students should have a broad understanding of the strategy and venturing research domain and what is required for publishing research in top tier journals in related fields.

    Dates and rooms: The seminar will run during 26.2-7.5.2019. 

    The seminar day is Tuesday and the room is 1021-1022 in TUAs building (Maarintie 8). 

    The session starts at 9.00 am (sharp) and ends at 12.00. 


    Module theme



    Introduction to the Seminar & Foundations of Strategy Research

    Robin Gustafsson


    The Resource Based View

    Jens Schmidt


    Behavior, Cognition, and Emotions in Strategy

    Timo Vuori


    Knowledge, Learning, and Dynamic Capabilities

    Marina Biniari


    Strategy Process and Sensemaking

    Henri Schildt


     Categories, Markets and Competition

    Mikko Jääskeläinen


    Strategic Alliances, Networks and Corporate Venturing

    Markku Maula


    Digital Marketing and Sales Strategies

    Petri Parvinen





    Platform Economics & Platform Strategy

    Timo Seppälä


    An Information Systems View on Platforms and Strategy

    Robin Gustafsson

    The seminar rooms indicated for each day and session are in TUAS building, Maarintie 8, Espoo.

    Responsible teacher for course: Associate Professor Robin Gustafsson, Should you have any questions about the course, please feel free to contact Robin at robin.gustafsson@aalto.fi or the course assistant zeerim.cheung@aalto.fi

    Instructors: Each of the seminar day is facilitated by a faculty member of the module theme area.

    Target audience: The course is designed for doctoral students in strategy and venturing and students planning to pursue strategy and venture research.

    Enrolment: Aalto University doctoral students please register to the course through Aalto Oodi enrolment system preferably by latest 20.2.2019. External (non-DIEM) participants are also welcome to this course. For non DIEM doctoral students to register please email Robin (robin.gustafsson@aalto.fi) one week prior to start of the course. Please include in your registration email your current affiliation, doctoral studies status, doctoral research project title, and your contact information. Please note that the number of places for this course is limited. Please also note that the first assignment is due the evening before (25.2.2019 (20:00)) the introduction session the 26.2.2019 (9.00-12.00).