
  • UWAS-C0027 - Film, Work, and Labour, 07.01.2019-25.03.2019

    Welcome to the course Film, Work, and Labour

    Enrolment during 10.12.2018 - 31.12.2018 in WebOodi

    Course Description

    In the course, we watch and make films in order to observe, evaluate, and discuss different ways of organizing work, working life, and labour markets. The course raises awareness of different ways of portraying work and labour in films. Students learn to identify ideologies and stereotypes in the representations of work and everyday work practices. In addition, students learn to argue their own perspectives through class discussions, reflections, and film making.

     The course covers the following themes:

    - Industrialization, paid-work and modernization

    - Labour movements and organizational democracy

    - Globalization and contemporary ways of working

    For more detailed description of themes and films see Screenings and sessions schedule 

    Each session/week consists of pre-readings (academic text, short film, etc.), screening a film (or films), and discussions after the screening.  After each screening, students are asked to hand in an individual reflection (max. 2 pages).

    Assessment info

    Assessment: Pass/Fail

    Assessment methods and criteria:

    1. Handing in assignments in time 

    • Pre-assigment (200 words)
    • Individual written reflections (1-2 pages after each screening)
    • One individual visual reflection for the workshop (max. 3 minutes of unedited material)
    • Group assignments (2 short descriptions of the short film process)
    • The short film (max. 15 minutes)

    2. Attending

    • the Introductory session (7.1.)
    • 4 out of 5 of the film screenings (14.1., 21.1., 28.1., 11.2., 25.2.)
    • the Workshop (4.2.)
    • the Working Films Festival (the screening of student group's short films 25.3.)

    Learning outcomes

    After this course, the participants know:

    • how to critically examine and evaluate different ways of organizing work and economies
    • how to weight different ways of portraying work and organizations in films, and to examine ideological elements in both representations of work and everyday work practices
    • how to question images and stereotypes used in film
    • how to argue her/his own perspective and to author one’s own experience
    • how to produce a short film in a group

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen (L01) Film, Work, and Labour (Oodi)
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