
  • Allmänt

    Seminar in Computer Science: Algorithms

    KICK-OFF MEETING TIME:   Tuesday, 29 January 16:00 - 18:00  
    ROOM:                   A106 (Computer Science Building) 
    GRADING:             Quality of writing & presentation 

    This course is a reading seminar in algorithms and theory of computation. Everyone is welcome to attend. For students, you will get 5 credits if you do the following:  

    • Participate in the seminar whenever there is a talk (there will be talks sporadically).  
    • Pick a paper and (1) write a summary (up to 5 pages) about it and (2) present the paper in one of the meetings. 

    The presentation format: Each meeting is divided into 3 parts. 
    • Part 1: Introductory talk. The presenter is asked to give a 20-minute overview of the paper. Do not assume anything about the audience's beyond a basic CS background. Try to ignore all technical details and focus on highlighting what's really cool about the paper you read without being overly technical. 

    • Part 2: Coffee break. We will have a 10-minute break. Anyone who is not interested in technical detail should feel free to leave. 

    • Part 3: Technical talk. The presenter is asked to give more details on the paper in 30- 60 minutes (including discussions). The audience will be assumed to have sufficient mathematical maturity as well as solid background in algorithms and complexity.