Topic outline

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      In file  FinalGrades_MS-E1000_20190108.xls

      you can find the final grading of the  10cr course. The following principles are used

      - 1/6 of the grade consists on active participation during lectures

      -1/6 of the grade consists of reflections

      -1/3 of the grade consists of active participation on group work

      -1/3 of the grade is based on the final piece and its documentation

      In file Credits_MS-E1981LauraIsoniemi2019.xls

      you can find the credits (2-3) from Laura's works (grade: passed).

      In file MS-E1981PaulJackson.xls

      you can find your student number in case you gained 2cr (grade:passed) from Paul Jackson's workshop.

      The workshop's will appear with code 'MS-E1981 MathArts workshop xxx ' in the student register.