
  • How to give feedback, how to receive feedback, how to ask for feedback? Important questions all. 

    Quick hints:

    • When getting feedback: listen. 
    • When asking for feedback: clearly tell in advance on what you would like to get feedback - and on what not. If you get feedback on things you did not ask - listen carefully, that might be the most valuable part!
    • When giving feedback: be respectful in all cases. Give clear feedback, justify. Give feedback on the items where feedback was asked. When you give feedback on items where it was not asked, tell why you want to give this feedback. 
    Giving and getting feedback is an essential part of university studies and an important skill in working life (and in life in general). It is also a difficult and sensitive skill, and we all can learn to do it better. 

    <More materials hopefully to come on the topic later - note 18.4.2019>