
    • The reading task for the next session (Tuesday 23.10.2018)

      The participants are divided in four groups and each group reads one topic. Familiarise yourself with the following articles. You will teach the topic to a small group in the next session.

      Topic 1: Learning outcomes (Chrysl, Guo-Xu, Lachlan, Maryam, Spyros)

      Declan Kennedy, Áine Hyland, Norma Ryan:

      Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide


      Topic 2: Students’ workload (Derin, Kay, Loc, Marijn, Michael A., Zach)

      Karjalainen, A., Alha, K. ja Jutila, S. (2006) Give me time to think. (pp. 9-39)

      About workload and learning - credits and calculation:


      Topic 3: Teaching methods (Anastasiia, Athanasios, Ghita, Hadi, Matti, Michael H.)

      Hyppönen, O. & Lindén, S. Handbook for teachers – course structures, Teaching methods and assessment, Chapters 3-4, pp. 18-55, https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/bitstream/handle/123456789/4755/isbn9789526030357.pdf?sequence=1

      Topic 4. Learning assessment (Elif, Rainhard, Rhodri, Samuel, Yannis)

      Brown, S. & Race, P. (2013) Using effective assessment to promote learning, in Hunt, L. & Chalmers, D. (ed.) University teaching in focus. A learning-centred approach. Pp. 74-91.

      Pls remember the maximum nbr of e-learning licences (3) with this material!

    • 1. Familiarize you with the slides of the second contact session (you will find these on MyCourses) AND read the articles given in last session.

      Would you also take a look at photos (gallery walk results, four posters); they were done in groups based on the articles given.

      You will find links to the articles under the learning assignments.

      2. Choose at least one of the themes and reflect on it at least one page: 

      a) Do you find some similarities with thinking about teaching -levels on your own thinking? What should you do to get to the level 3, or would you like to? Why or why not?

      b) What is important in students' motivation and what would you do to support it? Should some bigger changes be needed in the university (to support motivation to study)?

      c) Deep and surface learning: Have you experienced these approaches on your classes (give some examples) and how could you affect on your students' approaches?

      Submit your substitute assignment before next contact session (DL 18.10.2018)

    • •The aim of the learning logs is to focus and follow your learning and become aware of your thought processes.
      •Learning log is a reflective writing concerning the topics presented in the contact sessions. It is a unique record of your thinking and learning during the course.
      • The length of the reflection is appx.  0,5-1 A4 page.

      In the learning log you can think and write for example:

      •What were your thoughts after the teaching session?
      •What supported your learning in the teaching session?
      •What kind of thoughts and ideas arouse to you concerning the themes presented?
      •How can you apply these ideas to your own teaching?
      •Where would you like to focus in the future? etc.
      The logs are visible only for the teachers.