A!Peda Intro 37 (English) - Autumn 2018
•The aim of the learning logs is to focus and follow your learning and become aware of your thought processes.•Learning log is a reflective writing concerning the topics presented in the contact sessions. It is a unique record of your thinking and learning during the course.• The length of the reflection is appx. 0,5-1 A4 page.
In the learning log you can think and write for example:
•What were your thoughts after the teaching session?•What supported your learning in the teaching session?•What kind of thoughts and ideas arouse to you concerning the themes presented?•How can you apply these ideas to your own teaching?•Where would you like to focus in the future? etc.•The logs are visible only for the teachers. -
Read and familiarise yourself with the Chapter 2: Teaching according to how students learn, AND part of the Chapter 3: Setting the stage for effective teaching, pages 16-39 in Biggs, John and Tang, Katherine. Teaching for Quality Learning at University. 2007. (4th ed.) McGraw-Hill, .Please remember to close the e-book after you have read or printed the materials.