

    - Learn the course practicalities

    - Learn how to communicate over technology and cultural boundaries in global virtual teams


    1. Read the course instructions from Course home page
    2. Read the instruction of how to use Adobe Connect webinar tool
    3. Read two articles
    and come prepared to discuss the following questions in our first online class:
    • How to communicate effectively over technology?
    • How to help cross-cultural collaboration succeed?


    Global virtual teams

    Chamakiotis, P. & Panteli, N. (2017). Leading the Creative Process: The Case of Virtual Product Design. New Technology, Work & Employment, 32,1: 28-42.

    Gilson, L. L., Maynard, M. T., Nicole, C. J. Y., Vartiainen, M., & Hakonen, M. (2015). Virtual teams research: 10 years, 10 themes, and 10 opportunities. Journal of Management, 41,5: 1313.

    Hinds, P., Liu, L., & Lyon, J. (2012). Putting the global in global work: An intercultural lens on the process of cross-national collaboration. Academy of Management Annals, 5, 1: 1–54.

    Joshi, A., Lazarova, M. B. Liao, H. (2009) Getting Everyone on Board: The Role of Inspirational Leadership in Geographically Dispersed Teams. Organization Science 20, 1: 240-252.

    Nurmi, N. & Hinds, P. J. (2016) Job complexity and learning opportunities: A silver lining in the design of global virtual work. Journal of International Business Studies, 47, 6: 631-654.

    Team diversity

    Schippers, M. C., Den Hartog;, D. N., Koopman, P. L., & Wienk, J. A.  (2003), Diversity and team outcomes: The moderating effects of outcome interdependence, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 6: 779-802

    Van Knippenberg, D. & Schippers, M. C. (2007). Work group diversity. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 515-541.

    Van Knippenberg, D., De Dreu, C. K. W., & Homan, A.C. 2005. Work Group Diversity and Group Performance: An Integrative Model and Research Agenda, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89,6: 1008-1022.