
  • Learning Outcomes: After this module you are able to

    • recognize different types of assessment methods
    • select appropriate assessment method for your course and justify your choices
    • discuss how group size effects on selection of teaching methods
    • choose and apply teaching methods supporting your learning outcomes

    During this module, your learning assignments are (4):

    1. Watch the videos DL at the latest 10.5.2019

    • Unips-video: Assessment
    • Unips-video: Teaching Methods 

    2. Reading task

    • Familiarize yourself with given reading material which you can find below. 

    3. Course plan version 3.0 DL 10.5.2019 (Find your group's Course Plan -forum under Peer Groups and activities -topic on the left)

    • More information in your group's own area (Peer groups and activities, on the left)
    • Familiarize yourself with learning materials related to this topic (below).
    • Create SWOT-analysis about five teaching methods, here is a template for it. Choose the methods to be analyzed as follows: 
      • The main method in your course at the moment
      • A common method in your own subject field
      • Three methods that you consider possible for your own course that you possibly want to try out in your course in future.
    • When you choose the teaching methods and justify your decisions, use the knowledge that you gained doing the SWOT analyses about the teaching methods.
    • Create version 3.0 of your course plan, for more instructions, see Course plan: template and versions and drop box for versions 4.0 and Final.
    • Please, remember that you have to give feedback from your peers' course plans version 3.0 at the latest 17.5.2019. More information under topic Educational Technology and your own group's Course Plan -forum.  

    4. Group's Case-working DL 18.5.2019

    • Continue to write your group's case. More information about Case-working in Group's own area (Peer Groups and activities, on the left)