Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to 23C581 Consumer Behavior!

    When the course begins, you will be able to find all of the relevant materials, including assignment instructions, through the menu on the left. All important course announcements will be made through the forum below. Should you have any questions, please post them in the general discussion forum below. In case of urgent or personal matters, please contact Alexei at alexei.gloukhovtsev(at)aalto.fi.


    The course will roughly follow Consumer Behaviour. A European Perspective by Solomon et al. (4th edition or newer). As this is a self-study course, a large portion of your workload will involve reading the book in lieu of attending lectures. Please be sure to purchase or borrow your copy, as you will need it to complete the assignments. If you prefer a lecture-based approach to a reading-intensive course, you may wish to take 23C580 Kuluttajan käyttäytyminen instead, which is also offered by the Open University.