Osion kuvaus

  • Etusivu

    Dear Student,

    this workspace is originally meant for thesis/dissertation supervising but we will also use it for Knowedge Management and Paper review activities. MSc and DSc students may submit their draft reports, papers etc. in this space and I will comment. After a submission a Turnitin originality report is generated automatically. The report shows similarities between texts of the submission and sources of the comparison databases. The report supports scientific writing and prevention of plagiarism. Please, read Aalto University Turnitin instructions, especially how to interpret a Turnitin originality report.

    The final version of your BEng, MSc thesis, publications (Conference or Journal) and the final verision of your DSc thesis can be submitted in a separate inbox where both the originality report is generated and the paper is stored in Turnitin student paper repository where it is protected against plagiarism. The working space under ''Group Thesis & Publications'' will be used as repository of completed research in our group. The working space under ''Video Tutorials'' includes information on Research Techniques, Time & Stress management, Templates etc.

    I hope you find this space useful.

    • Ennen kuin voit palauttaa työsi vasemman reunan kohdassa Palautukset: 1. ilmoittaudu tämän työtilan jäseneksi klikkaamalla oikean reunan kohtaa Kurssiesite > Itserekisteröityminen (vaatii Aalto-kirjautumisen) ja 2. vastaa alla olevaan kysymykseen.