Osion kuvaus

    • Aalto University shopping bag: Thesis done

      Before starting your thesis process, you may want to look at what your student peers think about the project! We have interviewed students both at their first introductory seminar session, as well as after they have completed their theses. Many students face similar challenges in the process - make sure you listen also the recommendations that the students give after their experiences for beginning thesis writers!
    • What are the students' feelings towards Bachelor's thesis? What are their biggest challenges at the start? How much time they estimate it takes to do the thesis? Find out what the students think about these issues at the first meeting of their thesis seminar (5 minute video).

    • What are the students' feelings after they completed their thesis? What were their biggest challenges in the process? How much time they used for making the thesis? What recommendations do the students have for beginners? (16 minute video)