
  • Welcome to PED-131.2110 Learning and Teaching in Higher Education course (5 cr)

    After the course, you

    • are able to identify, define and evaluate factors that affect your teaching
    • are able to recognize different theories of learning and you have become aware of how they influence teaching
    • have formed your own approach to teaching and learning/ teaching philosophy and you have knowledge on how to develop your teachership and teaching
    • you recognize factors, which affect to the quality of teaching
    • are able to understand your teaching in a wider context and envisage the expertise provided by your own field of teaching and the future prospects of the field.

    Course contents
    • Learning theories and practice, approaches to teaching and learning 
    • Teaching assessment and quality as a part of teaching development/curriculum design
    • Societal and ethical connections in university teaching
    • Future views to one's own teaching substance/discipline
    • Developing oneself as a teacher

    Schedule in spring 2019
    • 27.3.2019 at 9.00-15.30, T5 T-talo 
    • 9.4.2019 at 9.00-15.30, T003, Ekonominaukio
    • 3.5.2019 at 9.00-15.30, Q101 Väre
    • 23.5.2019 at 9.00-15.30 M240, Otakaari 1

    Course teachers

    Teacher-in-charge Päivi Kinnunen (paivi.kinnunen at aalto.fi), Educational Developer, School of Business

    Teachers Erika Perttuli-Borobio (Erika.perttuli-borobio at aalto.fi), Educational Developer