
  • Allmänt

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Course feedback survey URL
    • Contact day classrooms:

      29.03.: T003 (Ekonominaukio)
      05.04.: T003 (Ekonominaukio)
      12.04.: T004 (Ekonominaukio)
      29.04.: Q101 (Väre)
    • Please submit your application for the right to pursue non-graduate studies to this submission box before the course starts.

      The form was sent in the course welcome email. You can also find it in this submission box.

      Thank you.

    • In the first class session, you will get to know your team's number for the team assignment.

      Once you know the number, please click yourself to your own team here before your team submits your 1-page abstract.

      Thank you!

    • Course schedule and assignment deadlines

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Lärare
      Inkku's slides Fil PPTX