Topic outline

    • Part 1: ABC of time management

      The exercises in this section will take up about 1.5 – 2 hours. Before you start doing them, read this page through carefully. As necessary, spread them over a period of a few days.

      "Being successful doesn’t make you manage your time well. Managing your time well makes you successful!"

      Randy Pausch, Time Management, 2007

      See this 2 minutes video:

      Stop for a second to think about how your study year has been so far. Make a list, either in your mind or on paper, of the time management challenges related to your life as a student. What would a four-quadrant model of your time use look like?

      Watch the following video (in English) Ask yourself how many of the tips given in the video are familiar to you and how many of them do you follow in your everyday life.

      You can now move on to do the first exercise. You can open the instructions below.

    • Book icon

      For instructions, click this page. You will need a pen and post-it notes (or doodling paper that you can tear into smaller pieces).