Topic outline

    • Aalto Code of Conduct

      Aalto University has a Code of Conduct which defines the behavior in the university environment. The members of the Aalto University community agree to e.g.:

      ·         act honestly and with integrity

      ·         respect others regardless of their background

      ·         foster open discourse and the free exchange of ideas

      ·         build mutual trust and 

      ·         actively care for the safety and well-being of themselves and others. 

      Members of the Aalto University community are also expected to behave responsibly and to respect the rights of the other members to a safe and pleasant university environment allowing unhindered progress in study and work. Each member of the Aalto University community has a right to be treated with respect regardless of their gender, gender identity or expression thereof, age, ethnic or national origin, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, opinion, political or trade union engagement, family relations, health, disability, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics.

      Teachers have the freedom to teach and students have the freedom to learn. In a teaching situation, everyone present is responsible for ensuring a safe and pleasant environment. This also means situation where the communication is happening in a virtual place  MyCourses or when giving feedback from teacher to student or from student to teacher.