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      Stefan kindly shared his slides, which shows how he made the most of CKIC program. 

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      The mobility requirement contains 2 parts: 

      - The International Mobility Requirement : international students can use their master program outside of their home country to fulfill this one. (see details from Climate-KIC newsletter in July below)

      - The Mobility Requirement: all students has to do this one.

      You can do internship or thesis research with a company outside of Aalto for  3 months. 

      For Finnish students, please follow your handbook to fulfill the mobility requirements. 


      Climate-KIC newsletter in July -  new information about mobility requirement for international students as below:

      ‘International’ Students & International Mobility Requirement.

      Given the purpose of the International Mobility requirement, many students who study and participate in the EIT Climate-KIC Master Label program at a university outside their country of citizenship or long-term residence are already fulfilling this Label requirement through their Masters studies. For example, a student from Italy or India studying for a Masters in the Netherlands.
      The New International Mobility Requirement Validation Pathway for ‘International’ Students. 
      To recognize this, EIT has approved that that eligible students studying outside their country of citizenship or long-term residence and participating the EIT Climate-KIC Master Label program can choose to use their current Master Programme as the activity to complete the International Mobility requirement.
      To be considered eligible for this International Mobility Validation pathway, students must meet all the conditions listed below:

      1.    You are not a citizen or long-term resident of the country where your Master's programme is located.

      2.    You have not studied in the country your Master's programme is located in the 3 academic years prior to commencing their Masters programme.

      Validation of Pathway.
      To evidence their eligibility for this International Mobility Validation pathway, students must submit the following document to their local Label Coordinator:

      ·  A signed ‘Declaration of Honour Form’

      Is completing the International Mobility by another pathway still an option for 'International' Students? 
      Yes, if international students wish to fulfil the international mobilityrequirement through another eligible activity this is still a pathway they can choose.
      There is no change to Internship Mobility Requirement. 
      All EIT Climate-KIC Master Label students must complete the Internship Mobility requirement (at least 15 ECTS).