Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the AVP summer course Creating Multidimensional Experiences!

    #aaltoventuresprogram #aaltouniversity @aaltoventuresprogram

    This summer, Aalto Ventures Program and Flow Festival offer a unique summer course, where participants from around the world come together to create multidimensional experiences. During three weeks of magical Finnish summer, you will go from an idea to a prototype, learn by doing, get to know and understand the globally renowned startup culture in Helsinki and visit one of Europe’s most prestigious music and arts festivals, Flow Festival.

    For more information about e.g. accommodation during the course and things to do in Helsinki see the course web page https://avp.aalto.fi/avp-summer-school/ and https://avp.aalto.fi/your-time-at-avp/.

    Skills that you will learn

    Using the concept of learning by doing we expect students to get certain practice to understand, explain and master the iterative design process to develop their own business ideas. You will get theoretical knowledge to be able to define the basic concepts of the experience economy, design thinking, UX design, leadership, team working, the platform business, experimentation, and business modeling.

    After the course, you will have learned the following skills:

    • Critical thinking
    • Self-awareness and management
    • Learning to fail and pivot
    • Problem reframing
    • Coping with challenges and being able to step out the comfort zone
    • Resilience
    • Creative team working
    • Creativity
    • Leadership


    In this course, students will work as a small start-up team aiming to create a unique experience for customers. In order to do so, students will experience the iterative design thinking process starting from crazy ideas to the value creation for the customers. The course is based on the Design Thinking methodology: empathizing with the users, defining their needs, ideating innovative solutions, prototyping the solutions and finally testing them.

    The course will give a sense of real-time simulator to be a startup or design team developing such a product as a multidimensional experience. During the course, students will create an experience that has at least three dimensions: digital, physical and social. 

    Topics that we cover

    • User research and idea validation
    • Prototyping and experimentation
    • Design thinking
    • UX design
    • Business modeling
    • Platform business
    • Leadership
    • Teamworking

    Assessment Methods and Criteria

    The course is graded based on team and individual performance.

    Team performance is measured based on the outcomes along the process as well as the final pitch. Individual performance will be graded through the quality of the essay as a pre-assignment for the course and active participation all over the course.

    Grading is pass/fail.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 1 - The breakfast club
      Group 1 - The breakfast club Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 2 - Horrible Bosses
      Group 2 - Horrible Bosses Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 3 - The Sting
      Group 3 - The Sting Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 4 - Greener things
      Group 4 - Greener things Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 5 - Blade Runner
      Group 5 - Blade Runner Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 6 - The Floating tomatoes
      Group 6 - The Floating tomatoes Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 7 - Ginception
      Group 7 - Ginception Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Group 8 - Hell Kitchen
      Group 8 - Hell Kitchen Keskustelualue