Topic outline

  • In this module, Software engineering as a topic is motivated and introduced. 

    There are three readings, one module quiz, and a peer-graded essay assignment. The essays as well as peer grades will be checked by course personnel, who also has the final say in the grading.

    You can get up to 10 points for completing this module.

    • The lecture video for module 2 (this was recorded for the Spring 2015 instance, so please substitute MyCourses for moodle, i.e. the readings etc. are right here, not in moodle).

    • Fred Brooks' famous article on the inherent problems of software development. 

      Brooks, F. P. J. (1987) ‘No Silver Bullet Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering’, Computer 20(4), pp. 10–19. doi: 10.1109/MC.1987.1663532.

    • Nuseibeh, B. (1997) ‘Ariane 5: Who Dunnit?’, IEEE Software, 14(3), pp. 15–16. doi: 10.1109/MS.1997.589224.

    • Quiz icon
      Module 2 Quiz
      Not available unless: You achieve higher than a certain score in Quiz: Honor code and Referencing guidelines (required)

      This is the quiz for module 2.

      Do not take this quiz until you have studied the readings AND listened to the lecture.

      The quiz is timed, and you have 30 minutes to do it. 

      You are allowed two attempts. You will get the grade of your best attempt. You will be shown the correct answers to the questions only after the quiz is closed. 

    • Workshop icon
      Essay: Software engineering disasters Workshop
      Not available unless: You achieve higher than a certain score in Quiz: Honor code and Referencing guidelines (required)
    • Discuss essay grading here.