
  • Graded Written Activities

    1) A1 Exhibition description  (pass/fail)                 5% 

    (word count  200-300)

    2) A2 Artist Statement           5% (draft for teachers comments) + 15% (graded)   =  20%

    (word count 200-300)

    3)A3 Cover Letter                   5%(draft for teachers comments) + 15% (graded)   =  20%

    (word count 200-300)

    4) A4 Visual Analysis             5% (draft for teachers comments) + 20% (graded)   =  25%

    (Visual Analysis word count  400)

    Short Writing Activities (20%)
    (Word count for Short Writing exercises approx 150)

    1)Intro to yourself, expectations to this course (in class & at home) Turnitin

    2)What was useful about the online tools Turnitin

    3)   Finding Artist/ Designer Statement(s) & analysis (at home and sent to Discussion in Mycourses)

    4)   Paraphrasing exercise (in class)  Turnitin

    5)   Reflection on learning (in class & at home) Turnitin

    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller aalto.fi
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      Short Writing Activity 1: Introducing yourself & goals & expectations. Due Sunday 04.08 at 22.00 Turnitin Uppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller aalto.fi
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      Short Writing Activity 2: Online tools for writing , Deadline Wednesday 07.08 at 22.00 Turnitin Uppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller aalto.fi
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      Short Writing Activity 3: Google Artist Statements from your own field 10.08. Turnitin Uppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller aalto.fi
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      A2 Artist Statement for teacher comments Due 15.08 at 22.00 Turnitin Uppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress slutar med aalto.fi
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      A2 Artist Statement Final version for grading. Due 20.08 at 22.00 Turnitin Uppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör någon grupp
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      Short writing Activity 4 Reflections on Paraphrasing. In class time changed from 26.08 to 29.08 Turnitin Uppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller aalto.fi
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      A3 Cover letter for teacher comments 23.08 at 22.00 Turnitin Uppgift
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