
  • Department of Design MA Thesis Portal

    Welcome to the DoD MA Thesis Portal!

    !DISCLAIMER! This portal is for the students who have started their thesis before 1.8.2024.

    This Portal is public, but primarily for 2nd year master's level students (or more) in five study programmes/majors(CoDe, CoID, CS, FaCT and IDBM) at the Department of Design who are about to enter the MA thesis process.

    The Portal is developed to help you track your thesis-related works.
    In this page, you are able to find relevant resources and information for developing your thesis according to your stage (download the diagram below).
    This Portal is structured in the following sections as seen on the side bar:
    - PRE-THESIS: Preparation for entering the thesis process.
    - THESIS: PART 1: A stage to do your groundwork and complete your thesis plan.
    - THESIS: PART 2: A stage to carry out your thesis plan.
    - THESIS: PART 3 : A stage to finalize your thesis and present.
    - POST-THESIS: Completing the thesis process.

    Each section is structured with three types of information/resources:
    - [COMPULSORY ACTIONS]: Checklist for your actions to complete the stage and progress.
    - [MUST KNOW]: Information on highly relevant tasks/activities for the stage. 
    - [CONSIDER]: Information that can be useful for your thesis process. May not be applicable to all; thus optional.

    !NOTE!: This Portal contains the department level information and guide. For a study programme/major specific content (i.e. MA Thesis Platform), please contact your study programme director / major head or/and study coordinator. 
    Check the "Announcements" section for thesis related matters, including thesis worker advertisements, activities, workshops, info sessions, etc. Whenever a new posting is made in this section, all enrolled participants in this Portal will receive a message via Aalto email address. Only 'teachers' can post something in this section. If you have something to announce/discuss, please use General Discussion. 

    Use the "General Discussion" section as a forum to discuss various matters relating to the DoD MA Thesis Process with your peers. You can use this to form a reading circle, thesis support group, etc. Feel free to post something as your posting in this section won't spam other participants.

    The portal is currently managed by Namkyu Chun, an university lecturer at Dept. of Design / Art&Media.