Topic outline

  • This stage requires your 10 ECTS credits workload to complete, which is 1/3 of the total workload for your entire master's thesis. 

    In this stage, you are expected to: 
    (1) expand your 'Thesis Plan Proposal'
    (2) have your supervisor and possibly advisor(s) and
    (3) get approved your 'Extended Thesis Plan' to complete THESIS: PART 1. 

    Reminder: thesis plan template

    "Thesis Plan Checklist" below helps you assess yourself for the key actions in PART 1.


    Your 'Extended Thesis Plan' shall includes:

    • establishment of the problem (importance);
    • some of the current stage in a specific domain of knowledge (previous studies); 
    • reasoned approach (methodology, see Design Research course materials);
    • potential contribution area(s); and
    • workplan (how to actually carry out the research, more than planning time and resources).

    Based on the ARTS Thesis Guide, there are three scenarios:

    • If you are doing a thesis with artistic research, this means you will be involved in active explorations for your artistic and creative practices in this stage. Your thesis plan will likely have more extensive section on your design practices / methods.
    • If you are doing a thesis with theoretical research, this means you will be involved in the literature review on relevant topics in this stage. Your thesis plan will likely more complete section on your theoretical backgrounds. 
    • If you are doing a thesis with applied research, this means you will be involved in an application of theory into your design practice. Your thesis plan will likely have more advanced sections on both theory and methods while defining the context better. 

    Regardless of your thesis type, you have to take careful considerations on possible ethical issues. See the following activity while planning your thesis: "Research Ethics and Integrity". 

    Also check Aalto University Students' Rights and Responsibilities (Aalto Code of Conduct), especially when you work with others for your thesis. 

    Again, "Tutorial Videos 02" are here to support you in this stage. 

    Once you completed the above mentions steps, you may move forward to THESIS: PART 2.

    • Composing a thesis plan

      Tutorial video produced for supporting thesis writing at Aalto BIZ. 
      You are able to access the video with Aalto account.