Osion kuvaus

  • You have now gone through this self-study material and hopefully learnt something about your stress. What new things did you observe? 

    In Section 1, we focussed on what stress was and learnt to recognise your ways of reacting to stressful situations. By learning to recognise the first signs of stress, you can prevent it from developing into harmful stress. What does stress mean in your life? How do you know you are stressed? Did you learn some ways to perceive your own stress?

    In Section 2, we did some tasks to help identify the demands behind your stress, the resources you have and how you can support your own recovery.

    Now you have learned something new or maybe remembered something you already knew about stress and stress management. If you feel that you need more support for stress management, you can contact Aalto psychologists.


    • This short exercise will help you realise how you have been feeling today. Stop for a moment and take a few calm breaths. Focus your attention on your body: what sensations are you feeling right now? What is on your mind? What kind of day have you had and what will you face later today?

    • Here you can find links to materials and services related to stress management.