Osion kuvaus

  • Visual resources

    Images and different kinds of media resources are important sources of information and inspiration in learning and research. This learning material in visual resources enables learning skills in the following topics: 

    • The skills of using visual and media resources are part of information literacy and information retrieval skills in the same way as the managing text based information.
    • Recognising trustworthy visual resources and the quality of desriptive information is important as the use of different online media becomes common. The high quality resources in digital cultural heritage, visual culture and design are often available in different kinds of image databases.
    • More advanced tools are available for searching images online that allow choosing the use license, file size and some visual qualities.
    • Understanding the basics of copyright and the skills of referencing visual materials in written assignments and learning exercises are part of the skills of managing information.
    • Creative Commons licenses are also becoming more common in media materials on the internet, therefore it is good to know some of the principles of the licensing system.

    Watch a video on using image databases:

    Open the course material below:
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