
  • Hemsida

    This workspace is for thesis/dissertation supervising with Caterina SoldanoPlease contact me in advance if you are interested in completing your degree work under my supervision. You can have at look at our group webpage for more details about our interests and research activities (organicelectronics.aalto.fi) and you can email me anytime at caterina.soldano(at)aalto.fi

    An approximate and expected timeline for a MSc thesis work is shown below (please be aware that administrative deadlines might be different - see USEFUL INFORMATION).

    After our preliminary discussions, we will formally agree on your thesis work (i.e. topics, roles, expectations) and this will be considered the starting day of your thesisYour work will include different scientific activities, such as literature review, experimental work, data analysis and writing. Your thesis duration is expected to be approximately 6 months (according to Aalto guidelines). Monthly individual discussions are expected (these will be agreed at the beginning of your work). A learning Log for these will help both in following progress of your work (see Submissions). 

    After completing your work, writing and submitting your thesis manuscript, presented your work in our MSC seminar, Your Graduation will be there!

    MSc Thesis Process

    This MyCourses workplace is a place where you can submit drafts and I can comment them. After a submission, a Turnitin similarity report is generated automatically. The report shows similarities between texts of the submission and sources of the comparison databases. The report supports scientific writing and prevention of plagiarism. Please, read Aalto University Turnitin instructions, especially how to interpret a Turnitin similarity report.

    Final version of the thesis can be submitted in a separate inbox where both the similarity report is generated and the paper is stored in Turnitin student paper repository where it is protected against plagiarism.