Opinnäyteohjaus Caterina Soldano 2020-2022
Osion kuvaus
Here a list of useful information for your thesis.
Remember that Master’s thesis is a public document once it has been approved. The thesis can't have any confidential sections. If there are confidential sections, only the "visible" part of the thesis will be evaluated and the thesis must form a coherent whole also without the concealed parts. Read more
Aalto guidelines for the completion of MSc thesis in ELEC, including deadlines for application for the current year.
Let´s agree on which software we shall use for your thesis!
Introduction? Bibliography? Academic Language? Here information and tools!
... when presenting your Thesis in our department seminar
List of various resources and tool of help during your thesis.
This is an interactive forum. Please post ONLY general questions. Most common questions will be collected for easy and quick access in the FAQ section (see Menu on the left).