CS-A1153 - Databases (summer course), 04.06.2020-03.09.2020
This course space end date is set to 03.09.2020 Search Courses: CS-A1153
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Attached here are the final results for the course. All the points and more detailed feedback can be seen in A+ or in MyCourses.
As a recap, how the calculations are made:
1. Passing the course requires at least 20/40 points from the project and at least grade 1 from the exam (without bonus points).
2. If exam is passed, it is possible to get up to 6 bonus points to exam points from the exercises and filling the course feedback. (Extra points explained here.)
3. 50% of the maximum points of exam is required for the grade 1, and 90% of maximum will give the grade 5. Exact boundaries below.
4. 30/40 points (or more) from the project will give +1 to final grade.
If you find some mistakes in the grading or calculations, please contact course staff.
Exam grade boundaries
Maximum points from exam are 40.
Points Grade
20 1
24 2
28 3
32 4
36 5
Results 24-09-2020 Fil PDF