Osion kuvaus

  • The project is done in the groups of two or three people. You have to get at least 50% of the total points and submit solutions to both parts to pass the project. If you get more than 75%, the course project gives +1 to the total grade (however, your exam has to be passed even without this +1). 

    If you are looking for a group members, feel free to use Slack to reach out other students.

    The project consists of two parts:

    Project Part 1 deadline Aug 7th 20:00 (possibility to return by end of June and get feedback earlier)

    Project Part 2 deadline Aug 28th 20:00

    Private assistance for project groups

    We will organise the first round of assistant meetings already in June. You can book one 15-minute slot for your team to ask questions and get help for the project privately with teaching assistant. These sessions are not mandatory, but a good place to ask specific questions about your project. Assistance in held on Zoom (same link as exercise sessions and lectures, check page Online Platforms if needed).

    When you have your group, you can book time here: https://doodle.com/poll/tbkuim6bbud69gfm (one person books time for the whole group)

    It is also possible to get help for the project in the exercise sessions.

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