
  • The exam will appear in this section and open on the stipulated time. There is no need to register for the exam separately. 

    A. Before the Exam

    Before the exam date please make sure your internet connection is working and you are able to log in to this course’s MyCourses page with your Aalto username and password.

    On the day of the exam log into MyCourses well in advance (for example about 20 minutes before the exam starts) to avoid traffic. Log in on this course’s page (not on your own front page!) to avoid any traffic caused by signing in.

    Do not log out and log in again in MyCourses during the exam, unless necessary.

    In case you would like to use the material provided during the course, it is advisable that you downloaded the material to your computer, as increased traffic during the exam may lead to the content not being downloadable. 

    B. Exam Content

    The exam will focus on your numeric skills in determining different concepts acquired during the course as well as interpretations of those calculations. Higher-level conceptual skills were tested and assessed through the Equity Research Analyst Report. 

    Most questions will be calculations based on numbers provided and you are to fill in the exact solution to this question (i.e., based on the numbers provided calculate the cost of equity for the company?). Some questions will be multiple choice concerning interpretations based on those calculations (i.e., based on the numbers provided for the two companies, which company is the riskier investment option?)

    Questions will be drawn at random from a question bank and figures provided in questions will be algorithmic (no question will have the same figures and same solution). This is to ensure that this exam actually tests individual-level capability. The randomization is so that the level of difficulty for all exams will be matched.

    C. Exam Time and Location

    C.1. Exam 1

    Location: MyCourses

    Date: 19.10.2020

    Time: 13:00-16:00 (+ 2 minutes extra for eventualities)

    C.2. Retake Exam

    Location: MyCourses

    Date: 6.11.2020

    Time: 13:00-16:00 (+ 2 minutes extra for eventualities)

    The exam will appear in this section and open on the stipulated time.