25C00200 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 29.10.2020-03.12.2020
This course space end date is set to 03.12.2020 Search Courses: 25C00200
Re-Exam 14.01.2021 Kunskapstest
The exam is open online in MyCourses on January 14th between 9:15 am and 10:15 am. You have 60 minutes to complete the exam. Time starts once you clicked at the „start attempt“ button and ends automatically at 10:15 am. The exam requires you to answer 33 multiple choice questions based on the course materials provided in the section materials.
The exam will be open books, open notes. Nonetheless, it is advisable to prepare well in advance as there will not be enough time to look up the questions. -
25C00200_Course Results_Upload Fil PDF
Dear Students,
please find the course results attached. I wish you peaceful holidays,
Submission Deadlines Sida
Task (details see below)
02.11. at 9:15 am
Indicate team formation in Group Choice Module in myCourses
05.11. at 9:15 am
Submission of 3 MC-Questions about the article “Sarasvathy, 2001”
14.11. at 9:15 am
Submission of essays: 1000-2000 words + 5 PPT slides (excl. cover page and references)
18.11. at 9:15 am
Submission of 1st evaluations: Review criteria + Grades on the essays and presentations
24.11. at 9:15 am
Submission of 2nd evaluation: Comments on + Grading of the 1st evaluation
26.11. at 9:15 am
Revision of your own presentation according to the assessment in the 1st evaluation round
03.12. at 9:15 am
Final exam
10.12. at 23:55 pm
Submission of Technology – and Innovationmanagement group work. (BIZ & Open University students only)
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