
  • Allmänt

    Lecturer: Eeva Vilkkumaa
    Teaching assistant: Ellie Dillon

    Please see the Syllabus for an overview of the course. 

    Below is a preliminary schedule for 2021. Sessions are held online (see Online sessions page). 

    Course assessment is based on (i) nine quizzes (40%) and (ii) two assignments (30% each). Quizzes are to be taken before each lecture (excluding the first, seventh, and last lecture) based on pre-reading material. This material and the quizzes can be found on the Materials page. The assignments and deadlines thereof can be found on the Assignments page. No exam will be held this year.

    Quizzes are individual work! Any cases of collaborating on quizzes or sharing answers will be reported to the study office for handling. 

    You may collaborate on the assignments, but each student submits his/her own solutions. Submitting copied solutions, or solutions derived from the works of others, is strictly forbidden. Any cases of such plagiarism will be forwarded to the study office.