Topic outline


    • Turnitin Assignment 2 icon
      Here you need to upload your term paper.

      The submission is due on 15.12.2020, 23:55.

      The paper will be checked for plagiarism by Turnitin system. Up to 10% is officially allowed. Furthermore, if you have high plagiarism percentage (above 10%) but you are sure that you cited everything, etc., please, do contact me. Sometimes the system mark references, tables captions, etc. as plagiarism. And I look very closely where it is real plagiarism and in which cases the Turnitin system is wrong.

      Instructions, example paper, citations guide and list of topics can be found in Assignments` section.

      You can choose a topic for your term paper from the suggested list of topics or you can write a term paper on another topic but then you need to agree it with me, instructor, Svetlana Ledyaeva. Please, write me by email:


    • Turnitin Assignment 2 icon

      Here you need to submit your individual homework.

      Submission deadline is 18 November of 2020, 23:55. 

      Instructions can be found in Assignment`s section.

      The homework essay will be checked for plagiarism by Turnitin system. Up to 10% is officially allowed. Furthermore, if you have high plagiarism percentage (above 10%) but you are sure that you cited everything, etc., please, do contact me. Sometimes the system mark references, tables captions, etc. as plagiarism. And I look very closely where it is real plagiarism and in which cases the Turnitin system is wrong.


    • Assignment icon

      Here you need to submit your case study report - group homework.

      Instructions are given below in Assignments` section

    • File icon

      Here you can find the case for which you need to write a report.

    • File icon

      Here you will find instructions how to analyze the case and the expected structure of the report.

    • Assignment icon

      Here you need to submit your case study presentation.

      Submission deadline is 29.11.2020, 11:55 am.

    • File icon
      In the attached file you will find a list of papers recommended to read while preparing the case report and presentation. If you cannot find some paper in the university database or internet in general, please, write me an email.
    • Assignment icon

      In attached file you will find instructions about exam.

      Deadline is 22.12.2020; 23:55.