Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to our course on Strategic IT Management, 37E00200!

    The objective of the course is to improve your understanding on strategic management of information technology and information systems (IT/IS). We will discuss governance issues related to contemporary IT/IS, interplay between computers and humans in information intensive work processes and the importance of data and the role of digital artifacts. Many of the assignments deal with the implementation and impacts of robotic process automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in information intensive work processes. During the course, we will take a critical look at these technologies: naturally, we will discuss their advantages but also potential detrimental effects these technologies might have on organizations and employees. Strategic management here simply refers to effective management of these resources in order to harness the benefits and avoid the pitfalls associated with the introduction of these tools.

    You will find grading principles and assignments in the "Assignments" folder. The "Materials" folder contains the course articles to which we refer to in the Readings column in the course syllabus below. The "Materials" folder also contains the teaching cases.

    Due to Covid-19, the Fall 2020 version of this course  will be organized remotely by using Zoom.
