Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    The course introduces the Finnish startup ecosystem and the Aalto University entrepreneurship community. After the course, you will have the ability to find the best support and the best tools within Aalto University.


    The course consists of four mandatory sessions. If you are absent during a session, you have the opportunity to compensate for it by watching the recorded session afterward and completing an assignment. Instructions for the assignments will be announced later. You have to have either participated or a completed an assignment for each of the four sessions in order to pass the course and receive the credits for the course.


    • Wednesday 9.9. 

    • Virtual Kick-Off @Zoom
    • Introducing the entities inside Startup Sauna
    • Practicalities about the course, getting to know each other

    • Wednesday 16.9.
    Getting to know Design Factory

    Join Zoom Meeting

    • Wednesday 23.9.
    Get to know the entrepreneurial possibilities in Aalto University! In this session, you’ll learn about the Aalto entrepreneurship ecosystem and the offering of the Aalto Ventures Program, the entrepreneurship education program of the university. 

    After the introductions we’ll jump straight into action by attending AVP’s Thought Leader’s Talk by Edward Blomstedt: https://avp.aalto.fi/event/thought-leaders-talk-by-edward-blomstedt/

    Thought Leader’s talk, see https://www.facebook.com/events/1582175041942864 

    (Session starts at 4 pm and will finish by 8 pm the latest; we aim to finish sooner if possible)

    • Wednesday 30.9.
    One of AVP’s crown jewels is Good Life Engine, a unique 9-month routine and time management course that aims to foster personal growth in a sustainable way. 
    In this session, AVP’s teachers will introduce the GLE-method and provide tools for personal time management and wellbeing that are bound to be useful while studying in these uncertain times.

    (Session starts at 4 pm and will finish by 8 pm the latest; we aim to finish sooner if possible)