
  • Allmänt

    Welcome to the spring 2021 course!

    First lecture is on Wed 13.1.2021 at 10:15-12.

    Lecture's are remote (Zoom) - and recorded

    (also slides are added to MyCourses)

    Responsible teacher: prof. Thad Maloney


    Second teacher: University Lecturer Eero Hiltunen


    Optional additional possibility connected to the course:

    Have you already done your foreign language studies?

    In connection with CHEM-C2340, you can take part in a 3-credit English module where the course contents and exercises are of topics connected to the CHEM-C2340 course.

    If you are interested, register for LC-1117 in Oodi, and choose group H10 - registration dead-line is 15.1.  Teacher is John Weston, University Teacher of Academic English.

    (first teaching session 19.01.2021, 15:00–17:30)

    • Kunskapstest icon
      Remote exam on 3.6.21 at 14:00-15:30 Kunskapstest

      Exam consists of 21 multiple choice (mc) questions and 1 essay. There is one, and only one, correct answer for each mc question. Answer each question. The mc questions are worth 1 point each.  The essay is worth 4 points. 25 points total are available.

      You have 90 minutes to complete the exam.