Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    CHEM-E1105 Advanced Fibreline Processes is a new course in Aalto University’s curriculum 2020-2022. The basic idea of the course is to expose the students to some of the most recent scientific advances and topical research questions that are possibly relevant in developing more advanced fibreline processes. The topics cover the nanostructure of the cell wall, its delignification options and oxidative treatments of pulps targeting for bleached or modified pulps.

    The course is targeted for master and doctoral students and professionals who want to update their knowledge on this area. In spring 2021, the course is not fully open for every professional to attend but it will be piloted with non-degree students from few selected companies. There will be remote teaching in Zoom every Monday at 2-4 pm from March 1 to May 24 (except for April 5), in total 24 hours. The lectures will be recorded for those who are not able to attend every time. The degree students will additionally have 12 hours of laboratory work to test some research hypotheses that will be discussed on the course. For other participants, discussions on selected topics will replace the laboratory works.