Topic outline

    • Assignment icon
      Learning diary Assignment

      Traditionally universities have used exams to assess students' learning. The major drawback of this practice is that it can lead to surface learning and studying for the exam only, often just before the exam. The idea behind replacing the exams with diaries is to emphasize the learning as a continuous process to build students' knowledge and skills. 

      The learning diary should answer to at least some of the following questions:

      • How did you study the topic?
      • What was your earlier knowledge level and how did it build during studying the topic?
      • What were your key or most exciting learnings?
      • What is the (potential) meaning of the topic in your study field or in your work life? You can consider your work community more broadly, not only your own work.
      • What questions remained unanswered and what would you like to study further if you had time or resources?

      In writing the diary, you can use a format that is natural and most suitable for you. You can write/draw also by hand but in the end the diary should be submitted in an electronic form as a single pdf-file. The recommended length of writing is 1-2 pages on each topic/lecture. The overall length of the whole diary should not be much more than 20 pages, preferably in the range of 15-20 pages. The final section of the diary is a summary on your learning during the whole course and feedback on it.

    • Choice icon
      Lab work times for M.Sc. students only Choice

      The lab works are scheduled for weeks 13, 14, 16 and 17. On these weeks there are two alternative times, both on Wednesday afternoons at 12:00-14:30 and 15:00-17:30. Mark your preference and indicate also if bot times are suitable for you

    • Choice icon
      Final discussion time for degree students Choice

      If you are a degree student, select one of the times for individual final discussion. You need to submit your learning diary latest the day before the final discussion. If you are from a company, do not reserve the time from here. Your final discussion times will be organized separately.