Topic outline

  • A lab work will be arranged at the campus in small groups and using face masks. The participation in the lab work is compulsory. Nevertheles, if you are sick or you have coronavirus-like symptoms, do not come to the lab work. In that case inform the teacher Juan José Valle Delgado (e-mail: Also contact the teacher if you have other justified reason that prevents you attending the lab work.

    Remember to work safely in the lab! Wear a lab coat, gloves and goggles while working in the lab, and always follow the instructions of your supervisor. 

    The lab work will be carried out in groups of 3 people in labs 339 and 340 of Puu building (Vuorimiehentie 1). The different parts of the lab work will be accomplished on one day for a maximum of 4 hours. The meeting point for the lab work will be the main lobby of Puu building.

    For more detailed information about the lab work, please read the guidelines at the bottom of this page.


    Every group must submit a report about the lab work. The report should be structured as:

    1. Objectives
    2. Experimental methods (short description of the work carried out in the lab)
    3. Results and discussion
    4. Conclusions
    5. Comments (feedback)

    The lab work guidelines include some questions that should be answered in the report. You can find the submission box at the bottom of this page. The deadline to submit the report is Friday 5 March at 23:59.


    The lab work will be assessed from 0 to 5 points according to the following criterion:

    - Performance in the lab: up to 2 points.
    - Quality of the report: up to 3 points.

    Please note that 15% of the final assessment of the course is based on the lab works.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Group choice icon
      Choose a group here Group choice

      Please choose a group here. If the suggested timetable is not suitable for you, please contact Juan José Valle Delgado (e-mail: as soon as possible.

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      File icon
      Lab work guidelines File
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Folder icon
      AFM images Folder

      The AFM experiments will be shown only with videos due to the small size of the AFM lab and the current situation with COVID-19. Here you can find some AFM images to be included in your lab report.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Submit your report here Assignment

      Please submit only one report per group.

      Submission deadline: Friday 5 March at 23:59.