Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    N.B. Due to the accidental overlapping schedule with CHEM-E4160 Reactivity of Aromatics, the  schedule of the lab course will be modified. The purpose is to enable participation for those who are interested in taking the course.

    There will be an online introductory session on Oct 27 at 1 pm (after the E4160 lecture). Go to Online sessions folder to join the meeting.

    The preliminary schedule is found here. Lab slot booking will begin after the introduction lecture: have a look beforehand to have an idea which of the groups is best suited for you. Two of the groups work in pairs, one has three students.

    The course is organised for the first time in its present form, in the second study period. The laboratory exercises themselves focus on transition metal chemistry.

    Despite the COVID-19 situation, the lab works are currently (Aug 13) planned to be arranged, taking into account a safe study atmosphere (e.g. proper safety distances and smaller groups). Changes to this plan are possible if the university decides otherwise.

    Three lab works can be arranged this fall. In those you will:

    #1 Synthesize a ceramic, oxide superconductor and characterize its properties

    #2 Synthesize a new-generation pigment and study its properties 

    #3 Study different oxidation states of aqueous vanadium

    We will work both in the student labs and in the research lab. You'll have a chance to use characterization instruments such as XRD, XRF, solid-state UV-Vis and thermogravimetric (TG) balance. Additional methods are high-temperature synthesis from both solid and liquid state, gelification of metals, atmosphere-controlled RedOx methods and handling of liquid nitrogen.

    In total, each student will have max. 20 lab hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9 am till 4 pm. Some days are 3 h, some 4-4.5 h, depending on the group performance.

    You will need to write one full report (6-10 pages depending on your personal style) and return short questennary from two works through MyCourses.

    For any questions etc. in mind, please message the corresponding teacher Eeva-Leena Rautama. 

    See also a short presentation of the content.