Osion kuvaus

  • If you are limited to one particular day (9 participants): please check the topics and register asap

    If you are not bound to just one day: please wait until Friday, 26.3. at noon, before you register.

    The final seminar presentations of the Modern Methods in Biocatalysis course are scheduled on two individual dates, April 13 (Tuesday, 13.15 - 16.00) and April 14 (Wednesday, 13.15 - 16.00). Please pick a topic and prepare a powerpoint-based talk of around 12 minutes that ought to be followed by a brief discussion of up to 3 minutes. 

    The goal of the presentation is to create a concise and informative overview on the selected topic. Your audience, all participants in this course, should be on a similar knowledge level so you don't need to start with the absolute basics but design your slides focussing on the actual exciting parts of the work.

    I kept the selection rather narrow so that we will get mainly pair presentations. I hope everyone of you finds something that you can get excited about. I'll send out a confirmation message after the pairs have formed so that you know who to get in contact with and who to discuss and prepare the presentation with.