Topic outline

  • The course self-assessment makes up 40 % of the course grade. The self-assessment form will open on 3.3. and must be completed by 7.3. 22:00.

    Assessment is based on the rubric provided below. In the self-assessment rubric and - form the course topics have been divided into six main categories, each with several subcategories that are rated 0-5. To facilitate the assessment process, the students have the individual problem points pertaining to each category. These wil be published on 3.3. The self-assessment score is determined by the weighted sum of the subcategory marks. The form will include an open response field where the students can justify the grades they've given. The teacher in charge will check and validate all self-assessments. If there is reason to correct the self-assessment, the students will be contacted through email.

    • Instructions for self-assessment:

      Fill in the self-assessment form according to the descriptions in the self-assessment matrix. The evaluation subcategories within the matrix are progressive in the sense that the higher grades always assume that the criteria for the lower grades have been almost completely met. The depictions for grades 1-2 and 3-4 are always represented together. For these grades, choose the lower one if you meet some of the learning goals described in the box and the higher one if you meet most of them. For grade 5 the assumption is that you meet almost all of the learning criteria for that subcategory.

      A category-level average is calculated as an average of the subcategory marks you give yourself for each of the main categories. The final self-assessment score is then given as an average of these main category averages.