Osion kuvaus

  • Here are all the guidelines and submission boxes for Group Work

    • Choose your group from here, no later than 14th September, 12:00 (midday).

      Once your group has selected a theme,
      let Kirsi Yliniemi to know (she will change your group name to correspond the theme you selected).

      NOTE! This group choice activity opens only after Lecture 2, where the groups are formed:
      the groups are first filled based on the selection done in Lecture 2 

    • Submit Group Work video here for teacher's grading. This will  be graded (max. 9 points).

      This submission box is for teacher's grading, remember to submit your video  also to Discussion Forum below so that other students can see your video as well.

      Note! If the video is too big, add here a Word document with a link to a video.

      DL: 5th October, 23:59pm.

    • Submit your Group Work video also in here so that the other group's students can watch it (and write their Feedback Report).

      EACH GROUP: Start a new Discussion with your GROUP WORK TITLE (EAP1, MS,  EAP2, Piezo, SMA). Submit the video in this thread.

      NOTE! This Discussion Forum is visible for all the class so please, show NO student ID numbers in your videos or slides.

      If your video is too big, have a link in Word file and submit that / write the link in Forum Post.

      DL: 5th October, 23:59pm

      The video of which your group makes the Feedback Report is selected as follows:

      EAP 1 -->  MS --> EAP 2 --> Piezo  --> SMA  --> EAP 1

    • Submit your group's Feedback Report here for teachers grading.
      This will  be graded (max. 3 points). Submit as Word or pdf file.

      The video of which your group makes the Feedback Report is selected as follows:

      EAP 1 -->  MS --> EAP 2 --> Piezo  --> SMA  --> EAP 1

      You can find the videos from Discussion Forum (Group Work Videos for Students)