Topic outline

  • List of the six homework and assignments to be done during this course

    1.       week 1:- Fundaments of Elastic Stability

    2.       week 2: - Flexural stability loss

    3.       week 3:  Lateral torsional, pure torsional and combined flexural-torsional buckling

    4.       week 4 - Computational Stability Analysis. Application example: Lateral torsional buckling & post-buckling

    5.       week 5 - Buckling of plates

    6.       week 6  - Buckling of shells (only one exercise)


    Schedule for guided exercises and Homework 2021

    Please notice this schedule:  








    Ahmad Sessions in Stability of Structures Course under supervision of Dr. Baroudi,
    You can attend the session by the following link:


    N.B. On Thursdays, as far as I have another course before the Aalto session, there might be some minor delay.






































    Passing the course:

    Here the requirements for passing the course and obtaining a grade 0,1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. (I hope grades > 3...)

    Tässä on se kurssin arviointimetodi: 

    General:  You should fulfill all the requirements 0), 1), 2) and 3) to pass the course

    NB. when there is a disagreement between this notice in MyCourses and the one in the exam paper ==> the one in the exam paper is the valid one.

    Tulee kurssista suorituksen arvosanan 0 … 5 perustuen ao kohtien  1), 2) ja 3) saatuihin yhteiseen painotetun pistemäärään.  (pitää kaikkia 0-3  tehdä).

    GRADE:  The grade for the course will be deduced from a weighted average of points obtained from 1), 2) and 3).  The upgrading of the mark by +1 when HW-points > 2/3 still holds. (for the weighting method, I wait to see all the answers).

    NEW: 23/3/2020: The weighting for the grade: 40% HW + 40% EXAM + 20 % project-work (5p--> 10 pages)

    Note, if you do not do the small project ==> the course grade will be less or equal to 3.



    0) pitää ilmoittautua tentiin - you should register in time for the exam; now compulsory

    1) - kotitehtävien aktiivista tekemistä (po vähintään 50% konkonaispisteistä kasassa); Kurssissani on aika vaativia ja riittävän paljon kotitehtäviä, 3-4 kpl per viikko, 6:n viikon ajan. 

    1) * should obtain more than p = 50% points,  p = (compulsory points + extra points) / compulsory points  

    2) - sekä a) ratkaistavana, tenttipäivänä kaikki 4 tehtävää annetussa ajassa 4 tuntia, e-tentti, jossa on neljää tehtävää, joiden ratakisut pitää palauttaa MyCourseen siihen varattuun palautuslaatikkoon korkeitaan 30 min e-tentin päätyttyä. [aloitus- ja lopetus klo-ajat samat kuin tentissä].  Kysymykset avataan, 10 min ennen tentin alkaamista MyCourses kurssi-sivulla "tentti-2020'. Voitte olla missä vaan, missä on nettiyhteydet palautuksen aikana. Palautetaan miellummin pdf-muodossa. Voitte ladata vapaastai Camera-scanner applikaatioita.

    2) * A written exam, (duration 4 hours and four questions à 5 points/question, all the 4 questions should be answered; see later the explanations in the exam paper) where you obtain the four questions from MyCourses folder 'Exam-2020' 10 min before the start of the exam. You should return your answers as in a contact exam (in a pdf-form)  no later than 30 min after the end of the exam to the specified folder (as for homework). The exam questions will be marked from 0...5 points each. (please download camera-scanners applications and test them now). You can write the answers from any place, ex. from home.   The exam folder will be opened 10 min before exam starts. /the uploading procedure is the same as for HW)

    3)-  pienehkö tutkielman kurssin liittyvästä aiheesta ja kirjallinen raportti noin 10 sivua. Palautetaan viikon-kahden sisällä Mycourseen
      3) - A small (5 - 10 pages) written and well structured report should be delivered within four weeks after the end of the exam. The report will be graded from 0....20 points.  Chose freely the subject. Language is english. However, if you feel that you write finnish better, so ok, for me.

    The topics of the report (a small research work) are: (do not forget to write equations)

    a) stability issues in structural engineering. Provide illustrative examples without forgetting references to published work and norms or regulations. How such issues are addressed in engineering practice?

    b) stability analysis of thin plates with applications (to design). Examples from CIV are wellcomed.

    c) stability analysis of arches or arch-like structures with applications (to design). Examples from CIV are wellcomed.

    d) What the actual Computational technology (FEA) brings to structural analysis in terms of stability analysis? Examples. Linear Buckling Aanalysis,  GNA and GMNA.  Do we still have  have to think and let the computer compute? What do you think are the fundamental (invariant) skills needed ourdays from structural engineers now that we have all this computational power?

    e) any  Free topic you're interrested in,  in the stability context


    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Remote Retake Examination [3.6.2021] - the exam question pdf is here. duration 13:00-16:30 Assignment
      The exam starts: 13:00 and ends 16:30

      The remote examination questions are in the pdf    "EXAM_stab_3_6_2021_RETAKE.pdf"

      Please return your answers in one single pdf.

      If any problems returning the examination answers, you can exeptionally send me by mail the answers before the examination is closed.

      All the best,
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      EXTRA #1 (= free) : Student's Written Report Upload here [2021] -->deadline 2 weeks after the first examination Assignment
      Student's Written Report  Upload here [2021]

      You can upload the written report here:

      Notice that this report writing is completely free. to do. If you do it you gain extra points. If you do not do it, you do not loose points.

      A small (5 - 10 pages) written and well structured report should be delivered within four weeks after the end of the exam. The report will be graded from 0....20 points.  Chose freely the subject. Language is english. However, if you feel that you write finnish better, so ok, for me.

      The topics of the report (a small research work) are: (do not forget to write equations)

      a) stability issues in structural engineering. Provide illustrative examples without forgetting references to published work and norms or regulations. How such issues are addressed in engineering practice?

      b) stability analysis of thin plates with applications (to design). Examples from CIV are wellcomed.

      c) stability analysis of arches or arch-like structures with applications (to design). Examples from CIV are wellcomed.

      d) What the actual Computational technology (FEA) brings to structural analysis in terms of stability analysis? Examples. Linear Buckling Aanalysis,  GNA and GMNA.  Do we still have  have to think and let the computer compute? What do you think are the fundamental (invariant) skills needed ourdays from structural engineers now that we have all this computational power?

      e) any  Free topic you're interrested in,  in the stability context


    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      EXTRA #2: ARCH-stability EXTRA problem [2021] --> deadline 1 weeks after the first examination Assignment

      This a challenge for those having the luxury to have more time and interest.
      The extra points the students obtain are counted as Extras for the homework total points.

      Please return a good quality report.


    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Assignment week 1 [2021] - Fundaments of Elastic Stability [Deadline 12 March < 23:55]

      Fundaments of Elastiic Stability:

      • Buckling load,
      • energy criteria of stability
      • equilibrium paths,
      • post-critical analysis, 
      • effect of imperfections
      • asymptotic post-buckling analysis

      The next home work, we will concentrate Stability behaviour of various CIV-structures.

      The key consepts and  method are invariant and independent on the dgeree of complexity of the structure.

      An introduction to the calculus of variations  can be found at:


    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Assignment week 5 [2021] - Buckling of plates [Deadline 9.4.2021. < 23:55]