Topic outline

  • General

    Update 28.12.2020: Final grades (from all students who have submitted all three graded assignments as of 27.12.2020) have been submitted to Grading Services for registration on WebOodi.

    Welcome to CS-C3120 - Human-Computer Interaction

    As computational systems have become ever more pervasive in our lives, it is crucial to consider how they can be designed "for the most effective use of humankind". Human-Computer Interaction is about understanding, defining and solving problems related to the use of computing.

    This course covers the foundations of Human-Computer Interaction - how we can identify problems around the use of computing systems, how to design better systems, and how to evaluate whether our designs are successful.

    Due to the coronavirus, the lectures will be arranged online, and it will be possible to take part in all course activities remotely. We will coordinate all of our course activities on Discord, so please join our Discord server. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions and take part in the online discussions on Discord — this is the primary support channel for this course.

    All lectures are pre-recorded, and will be made available weekly on Tuesdays at 12.00. Video links, lecture materials, and reading materials will be made available here on MyCourses.

    On Tuesdays, 15.15-16.00 (except during evaluation week) live Q & A sessions will be held on Zoom. These sessions will not be recorded. Attendance is highly recommended, as we will be discussing questions, exercises, and assignments.

    Final grading will be based on 3 course assignments and the exam. In addition, there will be weekly exercises. You will not have to hand in exercises. However, it is highly recommended you complete them, to prepare for the exam.

    If you have any questions, let us know on Discord!

    Elisa Mekler, Assistant Professor

    April Tyack, Post-Doctoral Fellow & Discord Admin