Topic outline

  • This module deals with what software quality is, and how to achieve it. The material contains of one lecture, two book chapters and one article. The assignments are one essay and one quiz.

    • File icon

      Talby, D., Hazzan, O., Dubinsky, Y., and Arie Keren. (2006). "Agile Software Testing in a Large-Scale Project". IEEE Software, 23 (4), pp. 30-37.

    • Quiz icon
      Module 8 quiz

      Quiz on Software Quality and Testing

      Do not take this quiz until you have studied the readings AND listened to the lecture.

      The quiz is timed, and you have 30 minutes to do it. 

      You are allowed two attempts. You will get the grade of your best attempt. You will be shown the correct answers to the questions only after the quiz is closed. 

    • Workshop icon
      Essay: Software quality and testing Workshop

      A 700-word discussion on software quality.