
  • The course has compulsory exercises. Support for them is available during the exercise sessions. Attending the exercise sessions is not compulsory. Collaboration is allowed in the exercises, with proper acknowledgements, but each student should return their own solutions.

    In addition to the exercise sessions, you can ask for advice at the course discussion forum.

    Exercise set topics and deadlines are
    • Exercise set 1:  Producing RDF data and RDFS ontologies (deadline 06.02. 23:55)
    • Exercise set 2:  SPARQL language and protocol (deadline 06.03. 23:55)
    • Exercise set 3:  SKOS, OWL, rules and recommendations (deadline 06.04. 23:55)

    Submit your solutions
    through A+.

    Submissions will be graded, and to pass you need to get 50% of points for each exercise set to pass the course. The exercises also affect the final grading by giving you a maximum of 6 points (max 2 per exercise set) out of 36 total points (30 for exam, 6 for exercises). To get 1 point for course grading, you are required to get at least 67% of the total points for the exercise, to get 2 points for course grading you need at to get at least 83% of the points.

    Late submissions will not be accepted. If you e.g. happen to fall ill, and need more time because of that, please contact the course staff as soon as possible, preferably via cs-e4410(at)aalto.fi. Extensions are granted on a case-wise basis.

    Exercise sessions (tentative, changes possible)

    Time and Location: On Thursdays 10:15-12:00, in  Zoom

    Date Support for
    11.03.2021 Exercise set 3
    18.03.2021 Exercise set 3
    01.04.2021  Exercise set 3