Topic outline

  • One assignment will be given by each course particiant. The assignment is about your interest and focus: you will have to identify a topic where you want to understand more and eventually do the project work. Thus, the assignment topic will be identified by you, based on our discussions in lectures and suggestions of the teacher.  In this course, we encourage you to work on your own topic that is highly related to your research (e.g., in your phd thesis) or future plan (e.g., finding topic for master theses). Topics should not be designed and assigned by the teacher. Therefore, discussions and reading during the lecture period are very important.

    For the assignment, you will make a presentation and discussion (15 minutes). After that, you should be able to form the project work and work on the project work.


    Wednesday, 4 November, 16:15 » 18:00

    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      Assignment icon
      Submission of the presentation of the selected topic Assignment

      Submit your presentation in which you explain your assignment work: the interesting topic that you identify and will do the project work

    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
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      List of the presentations/video Page