
  • This section will be constantly updated throughout the course, to include frequently asked questions about practicalities and/or the group project.

    Q: Is it mandatory to attend the lectures in this course?

    A: You can complete the course without attending lectures, but each session is worth 1 point (out of 100 total). Students who cannot attend due to strong reasons (e.g. work schedule or sick leave) can do an alternative assignment, which has to be delivered by the end of the course (however, it is recommended that you deliver it incrementally each week to avoid piling up too much work). You can either get the attendance points from lectures or from the alternative assignment, but not both at the same time. The decision of doing the alternative assignment due to schedule conflicts must be notified to the course staff by the second week of the course the latest.

    Q: Can I have a group with less than 4 (or more than 5) team members?

    A: No, groups must have either 4 or 5 people. If you need to recruit more team members, you can use the Zulip chat, MyCourses "General discussion" forum or contact the course staff. We will try to match you with other students enrolled in the course who don't have a group yet. The course staff can also decide to assign students to teams who haven't been able to get at least 4 members by the registration deadline.

    Q: When will the lecture videos become available?

    A: After each lecture, videos have to be edited, uploaded, and processed by the Panopto video system. This can take some time – especially the processing takes a long time (hours). We strive to have lecture videos available on the day after the lecture was held, at the latest.